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Meet Miguel

The heart, the brain, and the passion behind UK Confianza. He's not just our founder, he's a living testament to the journey every student here embarks on. Overcoming hardships, breaking down barriers, Miguel’s story is a testament to the transformative power of education and a resolute spirit.

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My Story

Hailing from the vibrant culture of Peru, Miguel landed in the UK 15 years ago, bringing with him an indomitable spirit and a hunger for success. His journey through university was no less than a roller coaster ride. He grappled with language barriers, cultural differences, and a labyrinth of administrative processes - a narrative he shares with countless international students. Through sheer determination, he graduated in International Hospitality Management at 26 and completed his Masters in International Marketing at 30. His experiences didn't just earn him degrees, they sparked a passion, a calling - to ensure no student should feel lost and helpless in their academic journey. Working for a leading agency in the student development industry, Miguel noticed a painful truth - many services were more about numbers than about truly helping students. 

what do i call success?

Fueled by a dream and guided by his experiences, Miguel took a leap of faith. He founded UK Confianza, a sanctuary for every student seeking guidance and support.

Here, every student isn’t just a number, they're part of a family that nurtures their dreams and fuels their success. Miguel often reflects, "If I can change even one student's life with the value we provide, that’s success." And that’s exactly what we've been doing, one student at a time.


Whether it's providing job guidance, counseling, or just a friendly ear, I'm always looking to help people in any way I can. If you're in need of some assistance or support, simply reach out to me and I'll do my best to help.


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